Our Association

The New York State Association of Chiefs of Police was organized on November 30, 1901, in Rochester, New York and incorporated in 1957. It is a not for profit organization dedicated to serve the people of the State of New York in the maintenance of law and order and to support the more than 500 Chiefs of Police as they carry out the functions of their office.
The primary objective of the Association is to achieve professional recognition, uniformity of operation and the advancement of the general welfare of the police profession through the education of its members.
The primary purpose of the Association is an educational one; to gather, disseminate, and promote useful and necessary information to the law enforcement agencies of the State of New York. Our ultimate aim and purpose is to develop a more efficient and effective law enforcement and criminal justice system.
We are an Association made up of Police Chiefs, Commissioners, Superintendents, Executives, Administrators, Agents-in-Charge. Our members are the most experienced and respected law enforcement officials in the State of New York from most law enforcement agencies in the State, including Village, Town, County, City, State and Federal Agencies, as well as Railroad Police.
Each of our Active Members has proven himself by achieving a high position of leadership and responsibility in his individual and respective law enforcement agency.
We also have Associate Members who are concerned citizens who come from all areas of the State and all walks of life. They voluntarily and actively exhibit their support and concern for law and order and for good law enforcement by being members of our Association.
We have proven throughout the years to the people of this State that we are united, not only for the advancement of the general welfare of the police profession, but more specifically:
- for the purpose of maintaining law and order,
- for the improvement and professionalization of law enforcement,
- to advocate and promote reforms in the laws in association and collaboration with the Legislature,
- for the safety, protection and general welfare of all our citizens,
- and to assist in and facilitate the administration of criminal justice on national, state and local levels.
The officers and members of our Association are frequently contacted by and in contact with local, state and federal members of the Executive Branch of Government. Governmental Agencies and their representatives and staff solicit our views and recommendations relative to proposed laws, practices and procedures affecting law enforcement and criminal justice.
Many of our members serve on or are advisors to various Federal, State, and Local Committees which relate to law enforcement or the criminal justice system. One example is the Municipal Police Training Council of the State of New York to which our Association is legislatively mandated (section 839-Executive Law) to designate two of our members to serve. This council is concerned with the mandated standards and training of police throughout the State.
To further assist the Municipal Police Training Council and the Division of Criminal Justice Services, Bureau for Municipal Police, there is designated within our Association a Police Training Committee. It consists of thirteen (13) Training Coordinators (one for each of the training zones in the State) and one Training Sub-Coordinator for each county in the State. These coordinators and sub-coordinators are responsible for seeing that appropriate and sufficient training is furnished to the law enforcement officers of their zone. They are the eyes and ears of the Municipal Police Training Council and they are entrusted to ensure that professional training is constantly maintained in sufficient quantity and quality within their respective training zone.
The New York State Association of Chiefs of Police has members active on the following committees:
- Elections Committee
- Ethics Committee
- Expo Committee
- Financial Advisory Committee
- Law and Legislative Committee
- Nominating committee
- Program Committee
- Resolutions Committee
- Traffic Safety Committee
Medal of Honor Awards Program
The Associations Medal of Honor is awarded yearly to a deserving police officer(s) in the State of New York who performed an act of heroism above or beyond the call of duty.
Law Enforcement Executive Development Program
Our Association also provides an on-going training and educational program for law enforcement executives and administrators, conducted jointly and cooperatively by our Association and the Division of Criminal Justice Services, Bureau for Municipal Police, State of New York. This program provides annual seminars, training and informational sessions throughout the State. These programs are of three days duration and are conducted generally at seven different locations throughout the State.
New York State Law Enforcement Accreditation Program
The New York State Association Chiefs of Police promotes training and professionalism for Law Enforcement. Our Association in cooperation with the State Sheriff's Association and the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services developed an Accreditation Program for all law enforcement within the State. This undertaking is critical to support our role to promote professionalism in law enforcement by establishing standards of performance.
Accreditation is a process in which officials evaluate and update an organization's policies and procedures according to commonly accepted standards and goals. An authoritative body then verifies that the standards have been implemented and that all other program requirements have been met. Accreditation status is granted in recognition of the fact that the institution has met or exceeded general expectations of quality in the field.
The legislation which establishes the Accreditation Program authorized the development of model standards that will accomplish four principal objectives:
- To increase the effectiveness and efficiency of law enforcement agencies in the delivery of law enforcement services utilizing existing personnel, equipment and facilities to the extent possible;
- To promote increased cooperation and coordination among law enforcement agencies and other agencies of the criminal justice system;
- To ensure the appropriate training of law enforcement personnel is consistent with other provisions of law; and
- To promote public confidence in law enforcement agencies.
The Standards Manual contains a total of 132 standards with three primary functions; Administration, Training, and Operations.
The Accreditation process is similar to that which is used by accrediting bodies in other disciplines. The process consists of five major steps: Application, Policy Development, On-site Assessment, Council Review, and the Awards Ceremony.
Participation in the accreditation program has many tangible and intangible benefits. These benefits impact the agency's command staff, line officers, local government, and the community as a whole.
Through accreditation, agencies can:
- identify and correct procedural deficiencies;
- develop proactive management systems;
- reduce the likelihood of liability litigation;
- secure community, state, and local government support.
The New York State Association Chiefs of Police is proud of its role in the development, implementation, and support of the Law Enforcement Accreditation Program. We will continue to promote professionalism in law enforcement through our leadership role.