In the June 2021 edition of The Chief’s Chronicle magazine:

- Sunny the police therapy dog is a frequent and friendly face in Perry, New York. Police Chief Michael Grover and Handler Off. Matt Masci spoke with the Chronicle this unique program and how it has had a positive impact in the school – and beyond;
- President Timothy Parisi discusses marihuana reform and the questions that remain unanswered;
- Executive Director Patrick Phelan tackles fake news: how biased new stories are influencing perceptions about policing in America. He urges that Chiefs get in front of the propaganda machine by engaging their communities with regular news and information;
- As calls for police reform continue to increase, there have been calls for the elimination of qualified immunity for police officers. Chief/Ret. Michael Ranalli, Esq. discusses why the discussion is not logical in his Counsel’s Corner: Why Eliminating Qualified Immunity Is Not a Panacea for Police Shootings. And much more!
- Did you know that police in Suffolk County have provided COVID vaccines to first responders and others? Chief Stuart Cameron (Suffolk Co. PD) describes their vaccine Point of Distribution, the logistics involved in the process, and the success of their efforts;
- We launch a new Agency Spotlight feature in this edition where we profile one of our member departments – in this issue: Canisteo PD. Learn about the people and projects of this Steuben County police agency;
- and a 20 page insert announcing our 2021 Annual Training Conference in Glens Falls, NY with descriptions of speakers, presentations, and events (the links in this sections of The Chief’s Chronicle magazine are not active – please visit our website for a regularly updated conference announcement with links for registration, hotels and other information)
To view the June 2021 edition of the Chiefs Chronicle, CLICK HERE