August 28, 2024 11:00 A.M. (Zoom)
Meeting Minutes

  • Meeting Called to Order – 11:00 A.M.
  • Roll Call: Inspector David Regina, Suffolk County PD, Director of Public Safety Richard Tantalo, Monroe County, Chief Kenzie Spaulding, Corning PD, Chief William Worden, Port Jervis PD, Commissioner Kenneth Jackson, Garden City PD, Chief (ret.) Daniel Denz, West Seneca PD (NYSACOP Traffic Safety Services Coordinator), Chief (ret.) Michael Geraci, Schenectady PD (NYSACOP TSOL), Frank Galerie (NYSACOP GTSC LEL), Assistant Chief (ret.) William Georges, Albany PD (NYSACOP TSOL & TSC Chairman).

Chief (ret.) Joseph Sinagra, Saugerties PD: Leave of Absence
Chief William Worden. Excused.

All other TSC members were present and accounted for.

  • Guests: No guests this meeting. 
  • Approval of July 17, 2024 Committee Meeting Minutes:

1st:      Inspector Regina
 Director Tantalo


  • Updates/Status on Previous Agenda Topics/Events:
    • NYS TAP Committee/DRE Issues:

Inspector Regina stated that there is nothing new to report on NYS TAP Committee/DRE Issues. He did relate that Suffolk County PD has received an oral fluid screening device from Intoximeters representative, Jim McCauley and they will be initiating a roadside screening pilot program soon.

Chairman Georges stated that if needed, he may be able to assist SCPD in getting a second device to add into their pilot program when it launches.


    • Oral Fluid Testing:

Chairman Georges reported that he spoke with NYSP Forensic Investigation Center Associate Director/Toxicology, Jennifer Limoges, who informed him that the NYSP has developed a short training video on oral fluid evidentiary collection and submission to the lab. The NYSP Legal Section is reviewing the video and once it is approved, NYSP will make it available to agencies.

Chairman Georges also stated that the NYSACOP Traffic Safety Team is planning on hosting a webinar with agencies who are currently using roadside oral fluid screening to discuss their experiences including, but not limited to, best practices and program policy development.


    • Agencies Using Warning Tickets:

Chairman Georges asked Inspector Regina to do a brief synopsis of SCPD’s policy/procedures re: traffic stops where a warning is given in lieu of a summons.

TSSC Denz reported that he is currently working with NYSP Sgt. Hedges to explore the possibility of developing a universal warning ticket that would be placed into the statewide TraCS system.


    • Police Crash Reports/Revisions/MV104-P:

TSSC Denz reported that the release of the new MV104-P Crash Report is still on hold. However, BMP/MPTC has mandated that moving forward training on this report will be given to recruits attending all police academies across the state.

TSSC Denz also related that NYSP Sgt. Hedges informed him that the new MV104-P will need to be manually uploaded to all the MDTs across the state. Sgt Hedges and his team will have to travel to each individual police agency to do this, which will take a significant amount of logistics and time.


    • NYSACOP – DCJS Liaison/Training Coordinator Position:

TSSC Denz reported that the NYSACOP Board of Directors offered the position to Chief (ret.) David Zack, who has accepted.  His appointment has been relayed to DCJS, but there has been no start date slated so far.


    • Deadly Driving Bill, S.3135/A.174:

Chairman Georges reported that this bill did not pass the recent legislative session.  He stated he sent an official “Thank You” e-mail on behalf of NYSACOP to ADA Maureen McCormick, who spearheaded this endeavor, and assured her that should the Deadly Driving Bill be reintroduced during the next legislative session, NYSACOP will continue its support.   


    • Crash Data Review:

Chairman Georges thanked Inspector Regina for sharing the recent incidents and data on motorcycle crashes SCPD has handled and Inspector Regina briefly spoke about them. Discussion was also held re: ITSMR motorcycle crash data collection and the fact that there is no distinction between 2-wheel vs 3-wheel motorcycles. Additionally, NHTSA’s recent motorcycle safety campaign was also discussed.

Chairman Georges then initiated a conversation on the recent uptick of “wrong way” crashes across the state and the continuing problems surrounding EV Micromobility operation, classification, registration and enforcement.


    • Outreach to Regional Chiefs of Police Associations & Major City Chiefs: 

Chairman Georges informed the TSC that the NYSACOP Traffic Safety Team is attempting to organize a Traffic Safety Executive Leadership training in Herkimer County and spoke on some of the new items to be presented within the next series of training sessions.

TSSC Denz stated that on August 22nd, he attended the Chautauqua County Association of Chiefs of Police meeting and did a NYSACOP/GTSC briefing, and he is scheduled to attend the Nassau County Chiefs meeting on September 10th to discuss the same.


    • Traffic Safety Engagement and Equity in Enforcement Programs:

Chairman Georges stated that on August 15th, he attended the IACP Roadway Safety Committee meeting in Washington D.C. and reported on same.  One item of interest that was discussed at the meeting is that it will be mandated to include specific equity terminology within all future FMCSA grant applications.   He read the terminology and pointed out how similar it is to the NYSACOP Traffic Safety Position Statement.  Chairman Georges stated he would e-mail the TSC members the terminology for their information and use as they deem necessary.


    • GTSC Update/Issues: 

TSSC Denz reported that GTSC Management staffing is still in the re-organization phase. He also relayed that the FY25 Grant Approval letters are not anticipated to be sent out until mid-September and that our NYSACOP FY25 grant application is still under review.

NYSACOP GTSC LEL Galerie reported that the eGrants system is having login-tech issues so users may not be able to get into the system and it is anticipated the system should be fixed shortly.


    • Other:

Nothing to report.


  • Upcoming Events:
    • DCJS Public Safety Symposium, Empire State Plaza, Albany, N.Y., September 17-20, 2024:

NYSACOP GTSC LEL Galerie will be attending.


    • IACP Annual Conference, Boston, MA., October 19-22, 2024:

Chairman Georges will be attending.


    • N.Y. Highway Safety Symposium, Lake Placid, N.Y., October 21-24, 2024:

NYSACOP GTSC LEL Galerie and TSOL Geraci will be attending.  TSSC Denz reported that GTSC asked us to send a message out to our POCs regarding GTSC covering the cost of registration and rooms for any officer who attends the ARIDE training program being offered during the Symposium.  TSSC Denz to send out the message shortly.


  • New Business:
    • .05 BAC:

Chairman Georges discussed the issues/feasibility of getting .05 BAC legislation passed in NYS, whether such legislation would have a positive impact and whether or not such legislation made any impact on DWI crashes in the state which has .05 BAC in place already.

NYSACOP GTSC LEL Galerie stated that TSOL Geraci and he are in the process of conducting a research project with ITSMR on BAC trends across the state over a several year span.


    • Motorcycle Safety/Crashes: NHTSA Campaign, Data Issues & NAMS: 

Chairman Georges expanded on the discussion re: recently released motorcycle safety initiatives and crash data that is/is not available on motorcycle crashes.  He also discussed his work as a member of NHTSA’s National Agenda for Motorcycle Safety (NAMS) Committee.


    • IACP Roadway Safety Committee Meeting Update:

Chairman Georges stated that on August 15th, he attended the IACP Roadway Safety Committee meeting in Washington D.C. and gave a summary on the topics/issues discussed at the meeting.


    • Traffic Safety Activities and Training Courses:

Chairman Georges reviewed the list of traffic safety trainings currently being offered.

NYSACOP GTSC LEL Galerie informed the TSC that he will be attending the GHSA Conference September 7-11, 2024 in Indianapolis, Indiana.


    • Other:

Chairman Georges reported on his and LEL Galerie’s research on a recent DMV “P” Series memo re: green lights being displayed on Mobile Crisis Team vehicles and whether or not such vehicles are considered to be in “emergency operation” and were informed that they are in fact courtesy lights and have no legal bearing on emergency operation.

Chairman Georges reported on the recent National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF) 2nd Quarter Traffic Safety Report webinar hosted by Nick Bruel and also stated his interest in researching the potential for decreased seatbelt usage as it relates to officers wearing tactical ballistic vests.

Chairman Georges discussed the recently released DMV “P” Series #8 memo re: prohibiting the manufacturing, sales, distribution and usage of license plate covers.

Commissioner Jackson discussed the recently released “P” Series #9 memo regarding vehicle window tint and how the regulations should also be enforced for vehicle inspection renewals.

Inspector Regina gave an update on street racing/side-shows in his jurisdiction and while they are still occurring, due to ongoing joint initiatives/actions by SCPD and other agencies they have significantly decreased.


  • Follow-up Activities/Assignments:
    • Schedule re: Future TSC Meetings

Chairman Georges discussed potential dates for a September TSC meeting via Zoom.  The TSC decided on the dates of September 18th or 19th TBD.  The date will be announced when confirmed.


    • TSC Meetings with Traffic Safety Partners/Guests:

None scheduled at this time.


    • NYSACOP TSC – Recruitment, Diversity and Succession Plan:

Nothing to report.


    • Topics for “Intersections” , podcasts, etc., including guest contributors:

Chairman Georges is currently drafting an article for the next Chief’s Chronicle “Intersections”.


    • Other:

Nothing to report.


  • Next Meeting:
    • TBD


  • Motion to Adjourn:

1st:     Chief Spaulding
2nd:    Commissioner Jackson


Mission Statement
Assist our members in enhancing traffic safety services to reduce crash related fatalities, injuries and economic loss, while also providing additional positive outcomes resulting in safer roadways and communities.