December 12, 2024 1:00 P.M.
Desmond Crowne Plaza, Colonie, N.Y.

Shaker Room
Meeting Minutes

  • Meeting Called to Order – 1:00 PM.
  • Roll Call: Inspector David Regina, Suffolk County PD, Director of Public Safety Richard Tantalo, Monroe County, Chief Kenzie Spaulding, Corning PD, Chief William Worden, Port Jervis PD, Commissioner Kenneth Jackson, Garden City PD, Chief (ret.) Daniel Denz, West Seneca PD (NYSACOP Traffic Safety Services Coordinator), Chief (ret.) Michael Geraci, Schenectady PD (NYSACOP TSOL), Frank Galerie (NYSACOP GTSC LEL), Assistant Chief (ret.) William Georges, Albany PD (NYSACOP TSOL & TSC Chairman)
All present and accounted for. Chief Spaulding and Director Tantalo attended via conference call.


Chief (ret.) Joseph Sinagra, Saugerties PD: Leave of Absence

  • Executive Session

In Session: 1:02 PM
Executive Session Closed: 1:05 PM

  • Guests: 

Robert Lopez, Highway Program Analyst 2, Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee was scheduled to attend however had to cancel due to family emergency.

NYSACOP DCJS LEL Chief (ret.) David Zack, Cheektowaga & Ashville, N.C. PD attended and introduced himself to the TSC members. He described his current mission re: his position, how it relates to the TSC mission and is looking forward to helping the TSC however he can.


  • Approval of November 21st, 2024 Committee Meeting Minutes:

1st:      Chief Spaulding
 Commissioner Jackson


  • Updates/Status on Previous Agenda Topics/Events:
    • NYS TAP Committee/DRE Issues:

NYSACOP GTSC LEL Galerie stated that earlier today he attended the latest NYS TAP Committee meeting via Zoom. He reported the following:

- The IACP has established new standards and process for the removal of state DRE coordinators should a complaint be filed against them.
- There has been an issue within NYS with the DRE recertification process whereby different sets of matrix standards have been utilized during the testing. This seems to have been worked out, however, Region 2 (the Albany area) has recently experienced 12 re-cert failures.
- There are currently 424 active DREs across NYS. Hamilton and Herkimer Counties currently have no DREs
- There is a lack of municipal agencies sending officers to attend the next DRE training scheduled to occur in Monroe County.
- DREs have been confused about the re-certification process and have not realized there is no grace period between their certification expiring and re-cert renewal. Some have been conducting DRE evaluations before their new certification takes effect. A clarification is being pushed out to the DREs by NYS DRE Coordinator Renee Borden.
- There are pending Frye Hearings for Evidentiary Oral Fluid Testing in Jefferson, Steuben, and Ulster Counties; he will keep us apprised of any future results.
- DRE Coordinator Renee Borden is currently working with Matt Slater from DCJS to resolve an operational discrepancy for Roadside Oral Fluid Testing as it is being taught in the DCJS “Recognizing the Cannabis Motorist” training modules and the “Oral Fluid Roadside Screening Guidelines” being distributed by GTSC since 2022.


    • Oral Fluid Testing:

Chairman Georges reported on the Oral Fluid Roadside Users webinar that the NYSACOP Traffic Safety Team hosted on December 5, 2024. He stated it is anticipated that another webinar will be hosted for this group in the near future, with the topic of discussion being legal issues involved with Oral Fluid Testing.

Chairman Georges reported that DRE Coordinator Renee Borden is looking to re-engage the NYS Oral Fluid Testing Workgroup Committee and has asked NYSACOP GTSC LEL Galerie to be the Chairman of the Committee which he will do.


    • Agencies Using Warning Tickets:

Nothing new to report.


    • New Jersey Police Traffic Officers Association:

TSOL Geraci’s report was postponed until the January 2025 TSC Meeting.


    • Crash Data Review:

Chairman Georges polled the TSC members re: this area:

Inspector Regina reported that Suffolk County leads all of NYS in reported crashes. Although they have the most, fatal crashes are down 30% from 2023. However, fatal motorcycle and pedestrian crashes have increased significantly over those reported in 2023.

Inspector Regina also gave an update on the success of the Suffolk County PD taskforce on street takeovers and sideshows and Chief Worden reported on the increase in street takeovers and sideshows in his region. Chief Spaulding reported on a recent article issued by PERF regarding street takeovers and side shows nationally and the Chairman will send the article to the TSC members for their review/information.

Commissioner Jackson gave a report on a recent fatal crash involving a sanitation truck and a pedestrian within his jurisdiction. He related his agency continues to increase CMV inspections and his enforcement team is finding a significant amount of safety violations on these types of vehicles.

Chairman Georges reported that he found it interesting that in a recent news piece he saw, the Fort Smith, Arkansas Police Department was reinstituting their Traffic Unit after a 40% increase in fatal pedestrian crashes in their jurisdiction and he commented about wondering if this would become a trend in other departments.


    • Outreach to Regional Chiefs of Police Associations & Major City Chiefs: 

Chairman Georges reported on the NYSACOP Traffic Safety Team’s plans to provide Traffic
Safety Executive Leadership training in 2025.

TSSC Denz reported on his and NYSACOP GTSC LEL Galerie’s attendance at the Northeast Chiefs Regional Meeting on December 11, 2024. TSSC Denz also reported that he plans to attend the WNY Chiefs Regional Chiefs Meeting scheduled for December 19, 2024.


    • Traffic Safety Engagement and Equity in Enforcement Programs:

Nothing new to report.


    • GTSC Update/Issues: 

Chairman Georges briefed the TSC members on the current status of the NYSACOP GTSC FY25 grant.

Chairman Georges related that the efforts to build/strengthen the NYSACOP-GTSC relationship is continuing to evolve in a positive direction.


    • Other:

Director Tantalo updated the TSC members on the continuing success of Monroe County’s newly established Traffic Safety Team program. The Team has already received 256 submissions from the public, which it continues to investigate and provide proper referrals for.


  • Upcoming Events:
    • NYSACOP New Chiefs Training:

Chairman Georges confirmed the training will be held the week of March 24th, 2025 at the Niagara Falls Reserve Airbase in Niagara Falls, N.Y.


    • 2025 ESLETS Conference:

Chairman Georges reported that the Conference is tentatively scheduled for early April 2025 in the Syracuse area. He asked the TSC members to consider offering suggestions for a presentation for either this conference or the 2025 NYSACOP Annual Conference in July.


  • New Business:
    • Increase in Drug Impaired Driving Arrests in NYS:

NYSACOP GTSC LEL Galerie reviewed a recent ITSMR data report regarding vehicle crashes in NYS over the past 10 years. The data shows that those involving drugs increased from 11% to 22%, while at the same time, alcohol involvement dropped to 11%. The report will be sent to the TSC members for their information/review.

Commissioner Jackson pointed out that anecdotally it appears there has been a significant increase in impaired driving due to drug use during daytime hours and traditionally law enforcement has concentrated DRE deployment during evening and night shifts. He suggested that police departments may start to consider reallocating some DRE resources to daytime operations.


    • Lexipol Article & Webinar re: Conducting Traffic Stops in NYS:

Chairman Georges discussed the recent Lexipol article re: the above that was published in the latest edition of the NYSACOP Chiefs Chronicle and encouraged the TSC members to review it.


    • Traffic Safety Activities and Training Courses:

Chairman Georges shared the list of traffic safety trainings currently posted.


    • Other:

Chairman Georges discussed the NYSACOP Traffic Safety Team’s plan to conduct an in-person meeting with the Zone 7 (Syracuse area) Traffic Safety Points of Contact. He also discussed a Law Enforcement Agency Traffic Safety Program Review pilot anticipated to be rolled out in early 2025.

Director Tantalo reported on the below traffic safety initiatives underway in Monroe County:

- Motorcare for Life Event Video
- Monroe County Probation have been certified as car seat techs
- GTSC press event scheduled for Monday December 16, 2024

Chairman Georges discussed a recent fatal crash in Florida in which 3 motorcycle unit deputies were killed on the shoulder of the roadway.


  • Follow-up Activities/Assignments:
    • Schedule re: Future TSC Meetings

Chairman Georges polled the TSC members on their availability for a January 2025 meeting. After discussion, all agreed the next meeting would he held on January 16th at 11:00 A.M. via Zoom.


    • TSC Meetings with Traffic Safety Partners/Guests:

Nothing to report.


    • NYSACOP TSC – Recruitment, Diversity and Succession Plan:

Nothing to report.


    • Topics for “Intersections” , podcasts, etc., including guest contributors:

Chairman Georges reported that he authored the Intersections article in the December issue of the Chiefs Chronicle.


    • Other:

TSSC Denz reported that he had contacted NYS Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor ADA Beth Solak and had a very positive discussion with her regarding how NYSACOP could be of assistance to her in the future. She stated she was very excited about the possibility of collaborating in the future.


  • Next Meeting:
    • January 16, 2025 11:00 A.M. via Zoom.


  • Motion to Adjourn:

1st:     Director Tantalo
2nd:    Chief Spaulding


Mission Statement
Assist our members in enhancing traffic safety services to reduce crash related fatalities, injuries and economic loss, while also providing additional positive outcomes resulting in safer roadways and communities.